
Why am I here? What exactly is this? Or maybe, you’ve already closed your tab before you could finish reading this. This is yet another blog, more importantly, this is another “Anonymous Blogger“. I am not just another “Anonymous Blogger” though. Unlike my many (many, many, etc) predecessors, this blog is not tied to a certain topic. This is not a blog where I will use my poor writing skills to piss and moan over my day-in; day-out activities/routines. I don’t feel the need to include my real job, real problems, or anything real about me.

My main goal is to entertain my readers, unbiased and unedited. Simple as that. The only thing you need to know of me is I will remain unfiltered, absolutely to the point, and last but not least, completely honest in my opinions and may write some pieces that will offend some. If I do offend you, good! That means we agree to disagree, that means you have experienced what I have set out for.

On the other hand, I will not be hiding behind an IP. I will not be hiding under extreme circumstances. I am not some hacker hiding behind his mothers computer, and frankly, It bothers me very little if you use your mothers computer to boot up your hidden partition of Linux to sniff me out. Feel free and good luck!

Now that I have those topics covered, You may be pondering..

What type of things will this Anderson character write about?
How do I know the blog will cover anything worth my time?
Will this blog be updated regularly?

I will be posting as regularly as possible. I do have a job, and I am not a professional writer therefore don’t expect a fucking novel every update. I shall do my best considering these deficiencies.

yours truly, Anonymously.

Anderson Flith

2 thoughts on “Introduction..

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    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Anderson,
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